KopyKake Projectors

Kopykake Projectors

"Get your images down in minutes not hours"

Draw what you see....not what you think you see.  Its easy with a Kopykake Projector


  1. Place image in the projector
  2. Adjust the size and focus
  3. See your colour image projected
  4. Then simply outline or paint in the image


Perspective, proportion, composition & scaling.... all accurate in an instant

Kopykake Drawing Projector

Kopykake 300 XK

Projects vertically on to drawing board or remove from stand to use horizontally.

Vertically scales up to 300%, reduces to 70%

Horizontally scales up to 2500%

Max. image size 6" x 6"

Draw on anything...



Draw onto anything...paper, mugs, vases, plates, tiles, glass, T-shirts, walls, ceilings, even the sides of vans!...the possibilities are endless!

Special Offer £199.99 RRP £245.00 View Prices of Kopykake Projector

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